상피 결합 조직 8가지 - Loose connective tissue, rabbit - Hyaline cartilage rabbit, section - Hard bone grinding, human, section - Muscle types, striated, smooth, heart muscle, dog, l.s. - Tendon, dog, l.s. - Squamous epithelium, human, isolated cells from mouth, smear - Skin section through hair follicle, human - Stratified flat epithelium, dog, section
호흡, 혈액 순환 및 내분비 계통 3가지 - Trachea rabbit, c.s. - Artery and vein, rabbit, c.s. - Blood smear human, Giemsa stained 소화 계통 3가지 - Stomach wall, dog, section - Small intestine, dog, c.s. - Liver, pig, section 비뇨 및 생식기 계통 4가지 - Injected kidney rabbit, sec.. - Testis rabbit, c.s. - Ovary rabbit with developed eggs - Human chromosomes in blood, female 신경계 감각 기관 5가지 - Nerve, rabbit, c.s. and l.s. - Cerebrum section, dog - Spinal cord, rabbit, c.s. - Taste buds, rabbit, l.s. - Retina, rabbit, sec. |
상피 결합 조직 7가지 - Elastic cartilage, rabbit - Hard bone grinding of rabbit, tooth, de-calcium - Smooth muscle, teased preparation, rabbit, l.s.+c.s. - Cardiac muscle, dog, l.s. - Skeletal muscle, dog, l.s and c.s. - Skin section with sweat gland, human - Ciliated epithelium, trachea, rabbit 호흡, 혈액 순환 및 내분비 계통 5가지 - Lung with injected blood vessels, rabbit, c.s. - Pancreas, rabbit, section - Lymph node, rabbit, section - Thyroid gland, rabbit, section - Adrenal gland, rabbit, section
소화 계통 4가지 - Oesophagus dog, c.s. - Large intestine, dog, c.s. - Gall bladder, dog, section - Golgi apparatus in epithelial cells of intestine, dog
비뇨 및 생식기 계통 4가지 - Kidney rat, sec. cortex & medulla - Sperm human, smear - Human chromosomes in blood, male - Fruitfly, drosophila, giant chromosomes of salivary gland, w.m. 신경계 감각 기관 3가지 - Motor nerve cells with end plates, rabbit, w.m. - Cerebellum section, dog - Eyeball section, rabbit, sagittal section |