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[분류1 : Microscopes Accessory]

23 Slides of human and mammal histology

23 Slides of human and mammal histology
23 Slides of human and mammal histology23 Slides of human and mammal histology23 Slides of human and mammal histology23 Slides of human and mammal histology
제품명23 Slides of human and mammal histology
Euromex / Netherlands
조달청 물품 목록 번호
조달청 물품 식별 번호
조달청 군급 목록 번호
특징- 교육용 인간과 포유 동물 조직학 샘플의 슬라이드 세트



 상피 결합 조직 8가지
- Loose connective tissue, rabbit
- Hyaline cartilage rabbit, section
- Hard bone grinding, human, section
- Muscle types, striated, smooth, heart muscle, dog, l.s.
- Tendon, dog, l.s.
- Squamous epithelium, human, isolated cells from mouth, smear
- Skin section through hair follicle, human
- Stratified flat epithelium, dog, section

호흡, 혈액 순환 및 내분비 계통 3가지
- Trachea rabbit, c.s.
- Artery and vein, rabbit, c.s.
- Blood smear human, Giemsa stained


소화 계통 3가지
- Stomach wall, dog, section
- Small intestine, dog, c.s.
- Liver, pig, section


비뇨 및 생식기 계통 4가지
- Injected kidney rabbit, sec..
- Testis rabbit, c.s.
- Ovary rabbit with developed eggs
- Human chromosomes in blood, female


신경계 감각 기관 5가지
- Nerve, rabbit, c.s. and l.s.
- Cerebrum section, dog
- Spinal cord, rabbit, c.s.
- Taste buds, rabbit, l.s.
- Retina, rabbit, sec.

 상피 결합 조직 7가지
- Elastic cartilage, rabbit
- Hard bone grinding of rabbit, tooth, de-calcium
- Smooth muscle, teased preparation, rabbit, l.s.+c.s.
- Cardiac muscle, dog, l.s.
- Skeletal muscle, dog, l.s and c.s.
- Skin section with sweat gland, human
- Ciliated epithelium, trachea, rabbit


호흡, 혈액 순환 및 내분비 계통 5가지
- Lung with injected blood vessels, rabbit, c.s.
- Pancreas, rabbit, section
- Lymph node, rabbit, section
- Thyroid gland, rabbit, section
- Adrenal gland, rabbit, section

소화 계통 4가지
- Oesophagus dog, c.s.
- Large intestine, dog, c.s.
- Gall bladder, dog, section
- Golgi apparatus in epithelial cells of intestine, dog

비뇨 및 생식기 계통 4가지
- Kidney rat, sec. cortex & medulla
- Sperm human, smear
- Human chromosomes in blood, male
- Fruitfly, drosophila, giant chromosomes of salivary gland, w.m.


신경계 감각 기관 3가지
- Motor nerve cells with end plates, rabbit, w.m.
- Cerebellum section, dog
- Eyeball section, rabbit, sagittal section


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